Aluminium Sliding windows are made easy at EZ Windows!
Viewed from outside this window is Reverse – openable on the RHS Reverse Hand (R)
Residential Sliding Window
Residential Series | Series 504
The center horisontal division (Transom) is 600mm from bottom of window to centre of Transom. (T600)
Fall in love with the smooth lines and unobtrusive beauty of our stunning sliding windows made easy. Choose from single or double opening panels and double glazing options to minimise the transfer of heat and cold and they are compatible with flyscreens to keep out the
creepy crawlies.
Weather your an expert, a novice renovator or somwhere in between we can confidently accomodate your needs.
We are accessible on the phone during normal business hours and we’ll be happy to assist you with your window purchase.
Ps. Remember you also have EZbot ready and happy to assist with any questions any time so ordering at any time has never been easier!
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