Aluminium Awning windows are made easy at EZ Windows!
This window configuration is Three = Panels (3=P)
The center horisontal division (Transom) is 600mm from bottom of window to centre of Transom. (T600)
Residential Awning Window
Residential Series | Series 516
Australians can’t get enough of the amazing value and performance of the Vantage® Residential Series aluminium awning windows.
Aluminium Awning windows open out from the bottom for great ventilation and protection from unexpected showers.The are available in a sleek 50mm aluminium frame that is perfect for single or double glazing.
The awning window is compatible with a huge variety of performance-glass options to maximise energy efficiency and come fitted with stainless-steel chain winders for great aesthetics and durability.
Weather your an expert, a novice renovator or somwhere in between we can confidently accomodate your needs.
We are accessible on the phone during normal business hours and we’ll be happy to assist you with your window purchase.
Ps. Remember you also have EZbot ready and happy to assist with any questions any time so ordering at any time has never been easier!
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